Help Yourself

Taylored 3-2-1 Sleep Principle

Let's talk about sleep (cue the eye roll) We cannot stress how important sleep is to your health. You're probably nodding your head "yes, I know", with the appropriate eye roll. We're not kidding. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified...

The Taylored ‘One Thing’ = Success

Health is unbelievably simple but as humans, our desire too often blinds us with great intentions. Intentions seem like a great thing but when it comes to health they are often the barrier to achieving sustainable results. You get stuck in the trap of more is better,...

Taylored Warrant of Fitness Check

Giving Your Body a Check-In & Check-Up We use a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) to keep our cars in good working condition, but what about our own body? Much like a car, we have so many different parts of our body that must work together. When all those parts are working...

The Taylored Check-In

In our last blog post, we talked about which of the Taylored Life Wheel "Buckets" have been empty for you. You can think of the Life Wheel like a watermill...if the buckets are regularly refilled, the wheel spins in a way that feels balanced and 'full'. When some are...

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What is Your Next Step?

There are a variety of ways we can help enhance your knowledge or progress your health journey.

Our Science-Backed Approach

We’re not interested in guesswork, nor are we interested in quick-fixes or fads. Learn about our holistic, science-backed approach to long-term health

The Taylored Self-Help Basics

We’ve worked with thousands of people trying to make lasting change. And we’ve created a variety of exercises to help kickstart your journey too

Advance Your Knowledge

Once you’ve gotten clear about why your health matters via our self-help options and the ways you self-sabotage, dig deeper into specific topics via our long-form podcast discussions

Online Programs

We’re in the process of creating 4-8 week online programs allowing you to dig deeper into your genetics and/or using wearable devices to give insights into your health. These will launch in APR 2024.

Supercharge Your Health

The XYup Advanced Well-Being and Longevity Retreat is for those who are deeply committed to their long-term potential and healthspan. A premium experience at a 5-star retreat.

Work with Us

Whether you’re looking for premium 1:1 care, want to organize a private retreat for a group of friends or colleagues, or are looking to collab on new initiatives, get in touch.

Taylored Health & Performance | Technologies

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Email = 24 - 48 Hours
Asynchronous Communication

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PO Box 12343, Chartwell Box Lobby, Hamilton, 3248, New Zealand

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Taylored Technologies Limited